5150 Pros are now in Naga, not only to race, but do their bit for the Local Community!


by Sheila M. Catacte, TriLife Staff Writer | 26 April 2019

CSR Tree Planting at Naga City

Pro Triathletes - Mitch Robins, Alex Polizzi and Amelia Watkinson

Pro Triathletes - Mitch Robins, Alex Polizzi and Amelia Watkinson

April 26, 2019. The City of Naga welcomed participants in the Mangrove Planting initiated by the LGU, with the participation of the Youth and supported by Sunrise Events as its inaugural and community outreach event for 5i50 Triathlon Cebu Philippines, which will soon be held this coming Sunday. 

Atty. Kristine Vanessa T. Chiong, the City Mayor of Naga graced the event with an inspiring message to protect our environment by planting trees and emphasized how the youth can contribute in helping the environment as planting mangrove protects the environment and it is a big contribution to the indigenous community in South Poblacion. 

The Mangrove planting programme was held at the city hall grounds. It was attended by Pro Triathletes Alex Polizzi, Mitch Robins from Australia and Amelia Watkinson from New Zealand, gave a warm message of thanks as she spoke in behalf of Sunrise Events and 5i50 Triathlon participants.  

The program was hosted by Monica Rivera and Radyn Lovely Gesman, Federation President of Pag- asa Youth Association of the Philippines (PYAP). 

Kits and freebies were distributed to the participants who joined in the assembly and thereafter, the planting orientation was given by Ms. Jehan U. Repollo, City Environment and National Resources Officer, City of Naga. Everyone headed to the Mangrove planting site at South Poblacion.